Monday, October 13, 2014

Rx Safes Can Help Reduce Teen Medication Abuse

Teens today are constantly finding new ways to get “high”, and the rising statics of prescription drug abuse is a clear indication that this is not going to end anytime soon. Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxicotin, Valium, and Xanex are just some of the problem drugs that teens are partial to. 52 Million people in the US, over the age of 12, have used prescription drugs non-medically in their lifetime. This alarming number is only amplified by the fact that since 2010, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed to medicate every American adult every 4 hours for 1 month. While parents try to keep their kids from, say, smoking marijuana or doing cocaine, prescription drugs are more readily available and can have long lasting side effects, such as addiction, dopamine depletion, bi-polar disorders, paranoid schizophrenia, and more. During a study in 2010, scientists asked teens why they preferred prescription pills, and broke it down into 12 reasons:
  1. 62%: Easy to get from parent’s medicine cabinets
  2. 52%: Available everywhere
  3. 51%: They are not illegal drugs
  4. 50%: Easy to get through other people’s prescriptions
  5. 49%: Can claim to have prescription if caught
  6. 43%: They are cheap
  7. 35%: Safer to use than illegal drugs
  8. 33%: Less shame attached to using
  9. 32%: Easy to purchase over the internet
  10. 32%: Fewer side effects than street drugs
  11. 25%: Can be used as study aids
  12. 21%: Parents don’t care as much if caught
So what can you do as a parent or guardian to help curb this rising epidemic? Install a Rx safe! Rx Safes, Inc. has recently won a bid from the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control. The company has received a purchase order issued by the Bureau for 500 units of the Rx DrugSAFE, which will be given to at risk families in the state. “Prescription drug abuse is a formidable foe in Oklahoma and we are fighting it on several fronts.  The lock-boxes are critical tools to be used in households around our state to diminish the availability of prescription drugs to unwanted end users.  We have vulnerable populations in Oklahoma, primarily the elderly who are targets of thieves seeking prescriptions.  These boxes will help ensure the drugs will not be taken from the intended patient.  Every component helps in our plight against prescription drug abuse,” stated Darrell Weaver, OBN Director. These safes are fingerprint accessed, and will only allow the prescribed user to access the safe, keeping kids and teens alike far away from the accessibility of prescription drugs.
The RxDrugSafe starts at only $199, and holds up to 12 prescription bottles. It is made from 17 gauge steel, and has a mountable bracket for you to install it wherever you would like. The RxDrugSafe Pro will be released soon, allowing the user instant access through their fingerprint and will hold up to 40 prescription bottles. Both models can come with backup keys, which are designed to prevent the lock from being picked and unable to be duplicated.
No matter how many prescriptions you may have or how safe you think they are, a determined teen will try to find a way around any lesser security measures. Order a RxDrugSafe today and keep your medicine and family safe.

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